+++A collection of photographs from my archives, current projects, and life. Posting infrequently+++

Entries in santa barbara (3)



   This photo is one of my favorite photos I've ever taken. This was back when I was at Brooks Institute of Photography in 2004, which I wouldn't reccommend to anyone. The place was a joke, supposedly one of the most prestigious photography schools in the world you could say I had some pretty high hopes when I got accepted after High School.  Little did I know I would soon be in classes with people who didn't really have a grasp of higher education photography. I'm talking people in classes that might of well have been Photo 1A with Smirl. People with no clue on composition, exposure and just basic photography knowledge. 

   Needless to say it bummed me out. Don't get me wrong I did learn some valuable things, and glad I was there when it wasn't all digital. I learned how to use a large format camera which was rad, amongst many other things. In the end I dropped out, it just wasn't the fit for me. Turned away from photography and was just over it. About two years after I picked up a Holga and fell in love all over again and realized what photography really meant to me and didn't need some school to tell me that. 

   So this photo is of my friend Omar who I went to school with. Not sure where he's at now but hope he is well. I was shooting with a large format camera and had my new Canon 10d which was some of the first decent DSLR's that Canon was putting out. All ambient light from a TV and street lights, no photoshop just light. I lost all the originals years ago when I had my first hard drive fail and learned about the importance of backing up files! I need to search through my archives of film and find this shot from the Large Format Camera, until then I've got this.  


Chantal and Nate Hudak Wedding

Chantal and Nate are rad. Beautiful little wedding in Santa Barbara.






Hudak Wedding Taste

Santa Barbara, Ca